Read with me: 5 Children's Authors Every Adult Should Read

                                Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from

There’s no shame in reading children’s books when you are an adult. In fact, I think all of us should do it from time to time — to get back that magic feeling of believing in miracles, to escape from the problems of adult life into the world of carefree childhood, to rediscover and nurture the inner child.

I am no expert on the topic of children’s literature, but I would like to share with you a few of my favourite authors and books that I keep re-reading.

1. Astrid Lindgren — a Swedish author famous for her books Pippi Longstocking, Emil of Lönneberga, Karlsson-on-the-Roof, Ronia the Robber’s Daughter, and many more, which have all been translated into multiple languages. I have read the above titles in my native Russian as a kid, watched cartoons and movies based on Lindgren’s books, and I must say my absolute favourite is Emil of Lönneberga, that describes the life and adventures of a little boy from the Svensson family living in a small village in Sweden. He is very naughty, but has a good heart. He is very smart and resourceful and his adventures will make you laugh out loud.

2. Roald Dahl — a prolific British author, whose books have been made into films and cartoons and are known and loved by both children and adults all over the world. I only discovered Roald Dahl when I was in my twenties and I read all his books I could get hold of. Besides Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, Fantastic Mr Fox, the BFG and many other children’s books Roald Dahl also wrote for adults. I love his short stories that are dark and twisted and ingenious.

3. Eleanor H. Potter — an American author, most know for Pollyanna and Just David. She has also written many novels for adults. I have only read Pollyanna so far and it is my go to book when I am feeling down in the dumps — the book and its endearing little heroine teach you a game of “just being glad” — finding silver linings instead of seeing doom and gloom everywhere.

4. Enid Blyton  is a British author, whose books have sold over 600 million copies worldwide and have been translated into ninety languages according to Wikipedia. I have only read her Five O’Clock Tales and The Faraway Tree series — I bought these books as gifts for my nephews, but read them myself and decided to keep them:))

5. And the fifth place of my favourite children’s authors is shared by many wonderful writers: Dr. Seuss, C.S. Lewis, Lewis Carroll, Hans Christian Andersen, Sir James Matthew Barrie, L. Frank Baum, A.A. Milne.

Let's keep reading!


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