My Dream Jobs That Don't Exist, or What I Want to Do for a Living


                                           Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from

I must admit — I don’t like working. I find it hard, stressful, tiring, it interferes with my hobbies and my life. When I have a job I complain about it like hell. But when I don’t — I complain even more. I have all the free time in the world, but no money to pursue my hobbies, I spend hours on the internet applying for jobs and I feel stressed and anxious. A vicious circle.

My current CV has around 20 jobs (in 23 years of my working life so far). The longest I’ve spent in the same job was 3 years. The shortest — 1 week. With prolonged periods of unemployment in between. I guess I am just not made for work. I am an unambitious introvert and a hopeless dreamer — not a great combination in our fast-paced dog-eat-dog world. So I find comfort in coming up with things I would love to do for a living (if only it was possible):

1. Student. I would love to get paid for studying. There are so many things on my “things I want to learn” list, but in the real world education is not free and students don’t get paid for studying…

2. Reader. I’d love to get paid for reading to children, old people, and visually impaired. That would be a really meaningful and rewarding job — doing what you love, bringing comfort to others and getting paid for it.

3. Baby Cuddler. I’ve heard of volunteer positions for baby cuddlers, but not real jobs…

4. Food and Travel Writer. I know this is a real job, just don’t know how to get to do it.

5. Cake Taster. Although on second thought, not as a life-long career…

6. People Walker. To get paid for going for a walk with someone who wants company — the dream. The closest to this job in the real world is a dog-walker, but it’s not for me.

7. Declutterer. Even though I am not a pro at it (my home needs some decluttering all the time), I love getting rid of unwanted stuff and organising things.

8. Telling People What to Do. You know when someone needs an unbiased opinion. By the way I have a diploma in physchology, so my advice might actually be worth the money:)

9. Stationery Buyer. Because I LOVE stationery.

10. Lists Writer. I think I can call myself a pro. I’ve been writing lists (to-do, shopping, bucket, etc.) for as long as I can remember.

Back to the real world now. I’ve just wasted an hour writing this article! So I guess I could be an expert Time Waster too!


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